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PRP treatment can help support wound healing in trauma and joint injury. The technique can address male pattern baldness, stimulate the growth of hair transplants and enhance other cosmetic procedures.

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. It can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma, and other skin-related concerns and conditions. The procedure uses a special applicator with an abrasive surface to gently sand away the thick outer layer of the skin to rejuvenate it.

A Chemical Peel will reveal a smoother, softer skin that looks refreshed. These treatments are customised to your individual skin type and will include a consultation. Skin preparation may be required and there may be some down time. Speak to the skin therapist for suitability. 

No more waxing. No more razors. GentleMax Pro Plus Laser Hair removal provides fast, safe, cost- effective, and permanent hair reduction.

The GentleMax Pro Plus platform is Candela’s latest evolution in the #1 dermatologist-recommended brand for laser hair removal. Built on a foundation of over 20 years of clinically proven performance across all skin types.

Book now with nurse Leia or call for more information.

Bioremodulator injections are a new ground-breaking treatment that remodels and rejuvenates skin, preventing and counteracting the skin aging process. The treatment works by injecting high concentrations of hybrid hyaluronic gel into the skin, but instead of instantly plumping the skin like dermal fillers, the Bioremodulator slowly releases and promotes growth of new collagen and elastin fibres. 

The treatment is quick and easy, with minimal discomfort. Results can be seen within a few weeks, and the effects can last for several months.

1.    Bioremodulator injections promote natural collagen & elastin production 

2.    Suitable for those who had UV damage in their early years 

3.    Can be used to rejuvenate the neck, décolletage, arms, knees & back of hands

4.    The very latest hybrid Bioremodulator injection in Australia

5.    Tightens skin without adding volume

6.    Contains hybrid hyaluronic acid technology with different HA weights